Today is day two of this journey called "Sarah's 2008 in Review". I believe I've lost some people already...but I shall forge on...
It's funny that I have to look through my pictures to remember the events in my life. Apparently, it was February 1st when we ("we" as in "everyone I work with") went to 131 Main for Jackie's birthday (her birthday is technically at the end of January, but my pictures tell me we went out to eat on 2/1). The thing I remember about this night was waiting...and waiting...and waiting to be sat. And feeling really bad, because I was the one who made the reservations...
Lots of pictures were's a cute one of Jackie and Phil...

Valentines Day was spent with Emily and Debbie (and Dan, I think...) at Brickhouse Tavern. There are no pictures of that night, so you should be really proud of me for remembering that we actually did something on that day. I'm totally going to be informed that Brickhouse dinner didn't actually happen, aren't I??
Drum roll, please....
February birthday!!!
I know I've already written about this night (see the blog about my thankfulness for Brian Fisicaro), so I will just add a bunch of pictures and say...this was a pivotal night in my life. The night I realized who my real friends are...

(Wow...I really thought I had a lot more pictures from that night. Sorry for the let down...)
HA! To try and find more pictures to steal from Thomas (not that some of these aren't already stolen from Thomas), I made my way over to his blog. It's kind of funny to see how he remembers this ever-so-important night in my life.
Please realize that I'm stealing this without his permission...I'm a rebel like that...
Saturday I got up late again, hung around the house, before Chris and I went to Fox and Hound for dinner. Met up with Brian at 131 Main up north as well. One of his wife’s friends, Sarah was having a birthday party there, so we stopped by. Left just before 10pm, headed down to Brick and Barrel where we met up with Mike and Marc Grosz, Julie, Beth, Lael, and one of her friends. Had some drinks, ended up coasting through the night. Around 12:30am, Brian’s wife Sam showed up with Sarah and this girl Emily. We ended up all dancing the night away and made it a late night.
(It's funny that they ended up dancing the night away once we arrived, I guess we are the party...I kid, I kid...)
For more photos of my, errr..., your birthday party, head out to this site above (may have to put the link 'back together' to work):
A man who is thankful
Woohoo, see, S, I was there!
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