Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Yes, yes, yes...I meant to write "Happ New Year!"...

Take a gander at my high-quality sign and you'll see why the mediocre-joke of the night was saying (in your best offensively-Chinese voice), "Happ Nuh Yah, Aye Bodee!!"

And just so you know...no. I did not get a discount (yes, someone asked). I ordered the glittery sign online, from a company where English is obviously not their first language. I was a big fan of the letters looking like they came straight from the Price Is Right.

I bet Bob Barker (oh, wait...that's Drew Carey now, isn't it??) doesn't have to deal with such things as missing Y's.

As you can see, the joke even extended to the tiaras. They did say "HAPPY", until someone brilliantly cut off all of the Y's...
Remember the picture of Will from Brian's 30th birthday party? No??? Well...it looked a lot like this...
There is this thing called camouflage. It usually doesn't come in the form of shrimp. Well, it doesn't until Sam gets her hands on those lil' boogers. I'm still not sure what she was trying to cover up...
This man spent all of his time making appetizers and trying to get a fire started. I still feel a bit guilty about that...

Oh, Brian...showing up to my party...an HOUR AND A HALF LATE. What is THAT all about??!?! Oh yeah...I almost forgot. LSU was on and my little TV wasn't good enough to watch it on. I see how it is...These are Beyonce's new back up dancers. All the single ladies...
That is Sam's deformed finger in the picture....well, I THINK it's hers...
Whenever I see this picture, all I can think of is Emily saying, "I can hug, but I have rules."
Okay...so I took this picture of Sam and Laura. I flipped through my camera multiple times. I never once noticed Sheesh in the background until I uploaded the pictures. I have to say, I've looked at this picture probably 30 times and every time, I laugh. I'm thinking that I need to print it off and put it on my bathroom mirror...you know, so I can start the day with a good laugh...
It's sad that I didn't realize that I didn't have enough seating until after the party and thought, "Hmmm...why did Mike stand the entire time and why did Lisa, Beth, and Wendy sit on the counter?"
Whoops. I'm a bad hostess...
It really wouldn't be an event without Sheila's hand wave. It just wouldn't.
Wendy was mad that she was the only one that smiled normal...she didn't realize that Sam and Sheesh WERE smiling "normal". I think this picture was taken later in the night. I'm sure you're dying to know why I think that. Well...check out the second picture. Take a look at Brian's eyes....how could it NOT be late in the night with eyes like that???

Poor Katie couldn't stay up too late. Apparently, the animal kingdom doesn't recognize the Christian calendar. I am a little surprised that Kate didn't care that there were 16 people running around making all sorts of noise. Ummm....are we cheers-ing empty glasses? Yeah, maybe. Oh, well. At least I can look at that picture and think, "That was definitely on a NYE...no other time during the year do I drink out of a champagne glass. Which NYE? Well...I have no idea. Chris and I have been best friends for 52 years and it could be any one of those New Years Eves." (Yeah, I dream big. *Enter Saved By the Bell's "Friends Forever" song here*)

Those Steeles are so wacky. I really don't know what they are doing here, but (as always when it comes to those two) I find it hilarious...
I don't remember taking this picture. But much like the cheers-ing picture, I'll be able to semi-date it by the fact that Emily very rarely wears a Happy New Year tiara.
Mike stayed in the same spot the entire night. I fear he may have been bored out of his mind...
I love that Kim and Jimmy showed up...but I felt that they were constantly about to bolt, seeing that Kim never took off her jacket. (Just so you know, they didn't. Actually, they were rock stars and stuck it out until the bitter end. YAY THEM!)

Soooo....smores....blessed, blessed smores.
I so badly wanted to roast marshmallows outside and have smores on NYE. I had Brian bring over his fire pit thing. I had wood. I had smores stuff. I was so ready. So ready until NO ONE could start a fire. I was bummin'. Bummin' until the BRILLIANT Beth pulled out the secret weapon...my stove (why had I not thought of it before?!?!?). I had never tasted anything so delicious in my life. Kudos to Beth for her critical thinking skillz!

I'm starting to wish that I had written this 5 days ago. I would have had a better play by play.

Can anyone fill in some of the holes for me??

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