Sunday, April 19, 2009

Avoidance Techniques

What do you do when you are delaying the inevitable? You blog, of course! In my case, I'm delaying a walk over to the Fisicaro's house (not because I don't want to see them...I'm just lazy). While I write this, I'm enjoying Dave Matthews: Live At Piedmont Park that I DVR'd from my favorite new-to-me channel, Palladia. Watching this is really making me want to see him live...wait....I AM going to see him live next Saturday. Lucky me! :)

I really wish I had something interesting to write about. Let's see. This weekend was pretty standard. Friday was Friday Night Dinner (featuring lasagna per Julie's request). Julie got to pick what I made for dinner, although she did not get to pick what was on TV (the Red Sox game). Sorry, J.
I still can't get over how good Will and Daniel were. They aren't normally bad, it's just that this time they were especially good....I really don't think I've heard Daniel laugh so much in my life. I tried to capture the whole thing with my camera, but I managed to mess it up. Whatevs.

Saturday I went to Will's birthday party at the Charlotte Sports Center. The worst part about going to a 5 year old's birthday party is the inevitable question from the parents of the other children, "So, are you related or is one of these kids yours?"
They tend to look at you weird when you reply, "Oh, neither. I just like to go to random children's birthday parties and watch the kids. It makes me feel less lonely in this world."
I just love that I met a lot of these parents last year at Will's 4th birthday party and they obviously didn't remember me, so I really didn't feel like making the effort to make conversation with them this year. At least I know that they won't remember at his 6th birthday that I was an unsociable snot this year.
After the birthday party, Julie and I came home for some leftover lasagna and then we went to go see 17 Again. After the movie, I think I said, "That was so cute!" somewhere around 78 times. Poor Julie. I have a feeling that sometimes I can be a bit much.

After the movie, I went home and got ready to go to dinner with the Steeles and Chris. I met C at his house and we went down to Tavern on the Tracks. I was a little concerned when I saw that Purgatory (a show that gives those scary goth kids from high school a run for their money) was going on at the bar next door. I was worried a little for our safety (and quite honestly, the safety for our nation's children), Chris was just upset that they were charging $5 for parking.
When we were done with dinner, we went over to another bar (Tyber Creek) that was supposed to be 3 minutes away. The Steeles got there in 3 minutes, C & I got there in about 30 minutes after taking the scenic route. I don't think I was helping when I would say, "I think we're getting close."
He should know by now that directions aren't my forte. I'm just so proud of him for not getting angry...he didn't mumble anything under his breath once. Go Chris!
What's sad is that I still can't tell you where South Blvd is.

We had a pretty super time at Tyber Creek and around 1:30, we went home.

Normally Sundays include breakfast, but not today. I'm still not sure why we didn't do our standard Sunday morning thing this morning, but whatever.

Alright, I'm going to go for my walk now. Well...maybe after an ice cream cone. cream.


Alison said...

Oh, I see how it is.

Maybe once you've been friends with Chris for 9-ish years he will start getting mad at you. If I were the one in the car saying "i think we're getting close" he'd probably try to shove me out the door.

Next time just tell him to redline it.
23 days till Vegas!!!

saucybellum said...

Oh, Alison...the REASON I pointed out that he didn't get mad once was because it was such a rare event. Maybe I was just holding his attention with my fabulous conversation skills.
In reality, he probably gets irritated with me on a daily basis. I'm sure you'll get to witness that when we're in VEGAS, BABY!!!!!!!!!!