Monday, June 8, 2009

Bonus Food.

It's official. I should be working, but I'm not....I'm blogging.

I just had to mention something that has made my day go from mediocre to spectacular.

Jackie is taking the day off, so I've pretty much been chained to my desk. Karen (our marketer) came up to my desk to ask if I wanted something for lunch, because Camille's had just reopened in Mooresville and they called to let her know (you know you order too much from one restaurant when the owner of the restaurant calls you to let you know that they've reopened).

Now, although I'm pretty strict with what I eat during the week, I will make exceptions for free food.

She just brought my sandwich in (a "vegenini"...aka a vegetable panini) and it was gone in 27.94 seconds. I just have to say...if you're ever at a Camille's, go ahead and order it (unless your name happens to be Chris or Julie, then you will probably find it can go ahead and thank me later for knowing you so darn well)'s magic.

Oh, and I'm sure you're wondering (don't worry, I know you're not actually wondering this) if all of the MySpace blogs have been successfully transferred. They* have. Thank you.

*I say "they" meaning "all of the blogs I want to actually keep". Amazingly enough, I didn't realize how sad/angry/frustrated I was around 2004/2005. All of those blogs will be going to the blog graveyard. No need to rehash my angry past is what I always say! (That's funny, because I never actually say that.)

1 comment:

Julie said...

Thank you for knowing me so darn well!