Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"I mean, I love America too...but I'm not gonna put it on my car."


I really wish I had more to talk about when it comes to the Sunday that we left for St. Louis. What it boils down to is that Thomas picked me up at 7am and we drove 13 hours to get to St. Louis (an extra hour due to the fact that the NCDOT was about 3 months late on cleaning up the rock slide in Asheville and we had to take the scenic route, which is actually a lot less scenic than the original route).

During this trip, we were able to bear witness to a giant Confederate flag along the highway and many, many American flags on the back of various cars. I've come to the conclusion that Tennessee is the most patriotic state in America. We also took a bit of a detour through Carthage...and North Carthage, Tennessee in an attempt to find something de-lish to eat. What we ended up finding was a lot of run down and closed buildings with a few creepy looking people sprinkled about the town. Needless to say, we didn't stop and we ended up at a quaint little eatery, creatively named "Arby's".

I was also able entertain Thomas by pointing out every landmark from Rend Lake, IL on into St. Peters, MO...which was roughly the last 3 hours of the trip. I can't confirm this, but I really think he enjoyed it and was fascinated with the vast knowledge that I was dumping all over him like slime at the Kids' Choice Awards (wow...a Kids' Choice Awards reference....this blog just keeps getting better and better...).

When we made it to my mom's house at 8 that night, I immediately ran out to grab an Imo's Pizza for dinner. I either was really hungry or I really love Imo's. Either way...I was really happy by 8:27.

I really don't think we did much else that night...so now you get to wait until tomorrow's post to see what we did on Monday. Isn't reading a blog about every day fun? No?? Oh, well...get over yourself.

I only took one picture on the way to STL. At one point, I started believing that Thomas only drank those Starbucks Mocha drinks so that he would have a handy container to spit his sunflower seeds in.

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