Don't be jealous, but I just had the best weekend ever. Okay. Maybe that's a little much. I'll just say that I had the best weekend I've had in a very long time. That is not to take anything away from the other fun stuff I've been up just seems as though everything was on my side this weekend. There was nothing that I was dreading on Monday, so it helped to not

have anything hanging over my head.
The weather? Perfect...not too hot....not too cold. The crew? Awesome and completely drama-free. The game? Come from behind win. Who could ask for more?
A couple weeks ago, I was over at the Fisicaro's house and Sam asked if I would like to go with her, Brian, and Brandt to the LSU/USC game in Columbia, SC. Who in their right mind would say no to that offer? A week later, I found out that they managed to score 6 ti

ckets to the game. Bonus! Our group was would be Brian, Sam, Brandt, Jen (Brandt's gal), Chris, and yours truly.
Brandt and Jen's flight was set to come in on Friday night, but was delayed until the next morning at 9am. I met Chris at his house and we ran to the ABC store and Bloom for some tailgating necessities before we heard that the rest of the group had just gotten on the highway to head down to Columbia. They caught up with us right outside of Columbia and we headed to c

heck into our hotel. After getting settled for a bit (by "getting settled", I mean "mixing drinks"), we made our way to the restaurant Liberty. I found it odd that we were in Gamecocks country and the only people in the place were LSU fans.
After our late lunch, we went back to the hotel where we waited for a taxi to come take us to the game. Oddly enough, I guess taxi vans don't exist in Columbia, so we all piled into a regular sized

taxi. This is where the darkest point of the entire trip happened.
I don't know if other people are like me, but I remember the times that I've been in the worst pain of my life. Yes. I'm being dramatic, but you have to understand...I was in some serious pain. I had to pee SO BAD. I had Sam leaning up against

my bladder...we were sitting in horrendous traffic with no place to go to the bathroom for miles...and I wanted to die. I actually weighed the option in my head of peeing myself. Does that tell you at all how much pain I was in? I WAS GOING TO PEE MYSELF. There were actual tears coming from my eyes. I love them for trying, but I did not appreciate the empty water bottle being handed up to me from the guys in the back seat. A water bottle? Seriously? I don't know how familiar they are with the fem

ale anatomy, but what the heck is a girl supposed to do with that? After a $30 cab ride, Sam told the cabbie (yes, she called him a cabbie to his face) that we would just walk the rest of the way to the stadium, because she saw a bathroom. I have never in my life been so excited to step into an outhouse.
After the best pee of my life, we went to find Sam's friend, Emily, at the Tiger Pimp Party. I have never been to a college football game before and I can say right is 1000 times better than a NFL football game. Hello!?!? Talk about spirit! Noth

ing like going to a makeshift nightclub before a game. Awesome.
The rest of the night was kind of a blur. LSU won and we walked back to where we could find a cab. Someone had the brilliant idea of going to Waffle House, so at 1am, I was enjoying the most delicious waffle of my life. After dinner (or midnight snack...or whatever it was) we walked back over to the hotel. I woke up at 6am to hunting on ES

PN. I realize that Chris handed me the controller before we fell asleep, but I swear I handed it back to him. Needless to say, the TV was left on (which actually helps me sleep) and I had dreams of Brian's mom fighting in the UFC. Not sure why my mind went to Lulu, but I must say...that lady can
fight (at least in my warped imagination). After turning off the TV (to avoid having a dream about Bambi's mom), I fell back asleep until 9am. I'm still upset I didn't steal one of the hotel's pillows. I definitely got some quality sleep that night.

Chris and I left around 10:30am and made our way to Charlotte where we met Julie and Mike for lunch at Wild Wing Cafe. Yummo.
The only thing that could make this weekend any better would be a win from the Red Sox's going to be a late night....
So let me get this straight. You had the best weekend ever, which included the best pee of your life and the most delicious waffle of your life?
For Christmas I'm getting you a catheter with a leg bag for traveling and my old waffle iron. Live it up, baby.
Hey, where's my yellow shirt?
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