I realized when I was looking at the wallpaper on my computer that I haven't written about my September trip to St. Louis. You'll understand soon enough why my wallpaper reminded me of my trip to the Lou.
I found out around my birthday that my sister-in-law was pregnant and from that moment on, I refused to take any substantial vacation. I was going to be there for the birth. I would take weeks off of work and I would have the most amazing story of the time I witnessed the birth of my niece. Now, you have to understand that since the day I was born, I've heard the story of my own birth. My aunt Teresa was there and was the first person to exclaim that I was (well, not was...I still am) a GIRL! I have quite a few aunts in my life and I feel as if that moment has forever bonded us. She was there when I was born. How many people can you say that about in your life? Okay. Enough about that, but you see my point....I wanted to have that same bond with my own niece.
The biggest problem with planning around the birth of a baby is actually knowing when she's going to be birthed. Logan (my adorable 4 year old nephew) was due late February, but arrived on the 18th, so I just knew my niece would be early.
I have recently realized that the more sure I am of something, the more I am completely wrong. This was no exception.
My vacation started on August 29th with a weekend trip to visit my best gal, Emily, in Boston with some of my very closest chums in the world, Chris and Julie. We did so much that weekend, thanks to Em's excellent itinerary building skills (she even had "hug time" scheduled...amazing). Favorite moments of the trip:

-Having early morning breakfast, family style at Charley's Sandwich Shoppe (it's a Boston landmark). We were seated at the same table as two men in business suits (look closely at the picture, you can see the reflection of the interviewee in the mirror)...one was interviewing the other for a job...and Em was whispering in my ear her critiques of the poor saps answers. I was just obsessed with the signed picture of New Kids On the Block above my head.

-The RED SOX game. Oh, yes. Fenway. Hard seats. Giant foam finger. Chris' baseball glove. Need I say more?

-Emily flipping off TomTom (aka Mandy*) out of frustration for getting us lost. This is even funnier when you know Emily and her inability to lose her cool.

-Chris' medley dance. It is now a classic. It was invented the night of Emily's "WHERRRRE DID THEY SLEEP? WHHAAATTT DID THEY EAT??" routine. To avoid getting murdered, I will not post the picture of Em.

-SCORPION BOWL at Hong Kong Bar. See picture. Imagine Julie holding her liquor quite well.
Okay. Enough about Boston. We had a great time, the end.
After that weekend, I was on my way to STL. My grandparents picked me up from the airport and I was just excited that I hadn't missed the birth yet. Lucky me......or so I thought.
The next two weeks were filled with baby shopping (Want me to draw you a map of every Babies R Us in the Metro St Louis area? I totally can.), fetus feeding (Laura and I managed to eat out for EVERY meal...and you thought you couldn't get tired of eating out???), doctor appointments and a lot o' naps.
Laura's due date came and went. No problem. She was 10 days early with Logan, she can't be THAT late with Sadie, right? Wrong.
I was due to fly back to Charlotte on September 15th at noon. The doctor assured us that she would induce labor in 2 weeks if she hadn't delivered yet. Unfortunately, taking a month off of work is frowned upon at this stage in my life and I couldn't stick around to wait it out. I took solace in the thought that the kid would come in a few weeks and I was just so very, very off in my guesstimation. Again. Wrong.
Reminder...I left Missouri September 15th at noon.
Sadie Lea Rogers was born at 11:58pm on September 15th. What a freaking kick in the kneecap.
As Julie said...the kid was just clinging to her mother's womb until I left.
I no longer believe that Sadie and I are going to have a "special bond". She will feel especially lousy when her big brother gets awesome Christmas gifts every year from aunt Sarah while she gets to enjoy coal.

*Emily's car was broken into just hours after we left Boston. It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that her beloved GPS, Mandy, was abducted. We fear that she's dead.
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