Friday, November 28, 2008
Moses, Levi, Mordecai, Isaac, Esau, Saul...
I must say, this has been a pretty easy week. I was going to recap the entire week, but I realize now that I don't remember much before Thanksgiving. I'm going to count that as a blessing, because I know it included 10 hour days and it's probably for the best that I don't remember it.
Yesterday I slept in until around 7 (Nice! I LOVE waking up naturally....alarms suck....) and hung out for a little while until I decided to head to the grocery store for my last minute Thanksgiving items (mustn't forget the wine...).
Post-grocery store (Can anyone guess which store I went to???), I made my way over to Chris'. I know we had been planning this pre-Thanksgiving-dinner lunch for quite awhile, but I really had no clue what I was in for. Who knew the man can cook? (Well, I did...he cooks some pretty good stuff quite often...)
But seriously...homemade pizza and buffalo chicken dip. Are you kidding me?!? I ate so much I was actually worried that I may not be hungry for dinner (HA! You're a fool if you think I am passing up two...count 'em...TWO different kinds of potatoes...).
Julie and I went over to Beth's at 2. I won't bore you with the details, but I made mashed tators, J made green bean casserole and hashbrown casserole and Beth man-handled the turkey. Good times had by all.
Dinner was at 5 and we were done eating by about 5:07. Okay. That's a lie...we were done eating by 5:25 though. There wasn't much talking, but there was some eye contact between Scott and myself. It may have been the two glasses of wine that made me laugh until there were tears, but he was killing me and he didn't even know it. After dinner, he asked if the music was making me laugh. Apparently, we weren't on the same page about what was "funny". No...dear, was your facial expressions. Your facial expressions are priceless.
After dinner, the poker chips came out. I don't remember the game lasting so long last time, but holy crap...we started a little before 6 and it didn't end until after 9, I think. Of course, we paused the game for some pie, but know we eat's not like pie took an hour. I'm starting to learn something, though. I have now played poker 3 times and all three times Scott has won. I think he's cheating. I haven't figured out how yet, but I'll continue thinking about it and I'll let you know...
It is really funny when Julie and Sheesh get tired of playing. Suddenly, even if they have a horrible hand, they go all in. I guess that is a quick way to get axed. I must say, though, Sheesh really was playing "serious" last night. Until she needed a break and handed her cards off to me (which was quickly taken over by Chris...)
I didn't want to sound dumb, so I waited until this morning to email C & J and ask them what all that river talk was about. Apparently, I "bet on the river" a lot or at least I heard people tell me that a lot last night. Even though Chris is all the way down in Charlotte and I'm up in little ol' Mooresville, I could feel him rolling his eyes at me. He didn't even dignify my question with a response...thank God Julie is a good explainer!
It's funny that I have no problem proclaiming my issues with New Jersey, but I didn't want to sound dumb asking a question about a game I've played only a few times. I guess that's just my pMD-ness coming out...
Post-poker, J and I went over to Chris' where we managed to have some cheesecake that he had made. Is it sad that I could still eat at that point? (Believe me, I'm still shaking my head at myself...)
I got to bed around 11 and my alarm went off at 6:30 this morning. Stupid alarm. Alarms suck.
Oh! And I know you are all DYING to know why there are a bunch of Old Testament dudes as the title of this here you go. On Wednesday, Chris, Julie, and I were playing the "Name six men from the Bible" game via email. I can't remember WHY we started this game...but at one point, Julie named off super common names (Adam, Thomas, get the point) and Chris told her that she had to name only Old Testament names, because they are funnier. So...there you have it...six men from the Old least I think they are all from the Old Testament, right?!?!??
Thursday, November 27, 2008
It's the little things...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Work It.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008
He Started It.

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Yes, he's named after a cartoon snail...

Saturday, November 22, 2008
It's Saturday Already?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
What a kick in the dang kneecap!

After leaving Mike's party, Chris and I met up with Julie and we headed to Ed's Tavern for a lil' UFC goodness and then made our way with Thomas, Kim, Jimmy, Josh, Beth, and uhhh...I know there was someone else, forgive me, to Tavern on the Tracks. All in all...A+ night. Thanks, Mike!!!
I'm not sure why I'm adding Sunday to this list of days. We really didn't do anything out of the ordinary, but it did remind me of why Sunday mornings are my favorite time of the week. C & J came over for breakfast (mmmm....biscuits and gravy....yummo....) and we watched Charlie Bartlett. Mid-movie, Brian, Jim, and Bob came over to take Sam's couch away (*tear*, I'll miss you, couchie couch...) and replace it with a big chair from Jim and Lulu's house (no's pretty). Good times. The evening came to a lovely end when I downed two sleeping pills and slept from 6:30pm to 6:30am. Jealous? You should was W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
But you're just a boy...
Friday, November 14, 2008
Oh. Don't deny wanted another one...
I wish...I think that would mean that I'm smart. I guess I'll just have to stick to the surveys on Julie's page to find out how intelligent I am.
Do you have a favorite type of pen?
The kind you write with.
Look at your planner for March 14, what are you doing?
Nothing is penciled in yet, but I'm going to take a leap and say that I'm going to be going out for Chris' birthday. Personally, I think we need to celebrate the whole month since it's his 30th...much like we need to celebrate all of January for Julie's.
What was the last thing you highlighted?
Something. On a paper. With a highlighter.
Have you ever had a black and white cat?
As a matter of fact...Gary just happens to be black...with a tiny bit of white. He's like Barack in that way....
What is the last thing you put a stamp on?
My stamp of approval? Hmmm...generally people don't ask me for approval with anything they do, but if they did ask me...I'd put my stamp on it. So. Umm...the last thing I stamped was a letter.
Do you know anyone who lives in Wyoming?
I don't, do you? We should take a road trip and go visit them.
Why did you withdraw cash from the ATM the last time?
Stupid taxi didn't take credit card. I'd like to take a moment and thank Bank of America for having an ATM right inside the sliding glass doors of Logan International Airport. If it weren't for them, I would have had to pay the taxi driver to take me around to find an ATM. Nothing like paying money to find a place to get money...
Who is the last baby that you held?
Well...that's just mean. It wasn't Sadie...I'll tell ya that.
I suppose it was Daniel, but I'm not really sure we can consider him a baby anymore...
Do you know of any twins with rhyming names?
I don't associate with those kinds of people...
Do you like Cinnamon toothpaste?
Eww. No. Gross.
What kind of car were you driving 2 years ago?
Same car I'm driving now...I'll still be driving it 10 years from now. But hey, I don't have a car payment. Jealous??
Pick one: Miami Hurricanes or Florida Gators
I don't really care about either, but I'll go with the Hurricanes since the Gators are a pretty good team and could beat teams that I actually do care about....
Last time you went to Six Flags?
I'm sure it was with my boy Ali. He used to love that place...I think we may have even had season passes. Or was that Adam? Oh...I can't doesn't really matter. It was a long time ago.
Do you have any wallpaper in your house?
Oh. No. I hope not. That's right up there with cinnamon toothpaste. Gross.
Closest thing to you that is yellow:
Uh, uh, uh...I'm so nervous....ummmm...the label on my vitamin bottle. Sorry that took so long, I had to measure which one was closer, the highlighter or the vitamin bottle. You know, because I know the results of that question actually matter.
Who is the last person you wrote a check to?
I'm sure it was someone that I owed money to.
Closest picture to you?
Emily, Chris, Julie, and me at Fenway Park. It makes me smile.
Have you ever applied for welfare?
What a random question! Seriously?!? And I'm called random!?!? No. I can honestly say that I've never applied for welfare.
How many emails do you have?
Where? Wow. These are stupid questions. I have 4 in my inbox...probably 300 separated amongst 20 different folders in my Outlook and on my home account, I think I would say I have about 100 in 5 different folders.
Last time you received flowers/flower?
I can't even remember. A while ago...
Do you think the sanctity of marriage is meant for only a man & woman?
Well, now we're getting personal. I believe it should be meant only for one dog and one lamp.
What are you listening to right now?
Muzak. I want to be listening to Newton Faulkner, but you know...gotta job to do.
Do you play air guitar?
Hells yes. I rock at it.
Do you have any Willow Tree figurines?
Are you kidding me??? They are everywhere in my house. I LIVE for them. I love their rustic-looking angel wings and lack of faces. Who wouldn't be into that?!?!?
What is your high school's rival mascot?
Rival mascot? Oh, honey, I didn't come from a big enough town to have a rival. We were lucky to play against anyone. Although, we were the would that make our rivals be the Cowboys? Unfortunately, there weren't any "cowboys" in the area. Unless you count actual cowboys...
Okay...this is getting too deep.
Who is the last person you talked to from high school?
Does my sister-in-law count? We did go to the same high school...
Last time you used hand sanitizer?
About 47 seconds ago. I'm counting.
Would you like to learn to play the drums?
Not really. Now if you asked me if I'd like to learn to play air drums...well, then...
What is in your inbox at work?
A ham loaf recipe. Yeah...I'm awesome at getting my work done.
What is the last place you bought pizza from?
Donato's. Delicious, magical Donato's. WHY had no one told me about this place before this year? THAT'S how you know who your true friends are. They don't keep secrets like that to themselves...
What is the last thing you stapled?
Papers. Together.
Did you ever drink clear Pepsi?
I think I did the other day....I found one from 1992 in Emily's refrigerator.
Are you ticklish?
I'm not going to tell you that. It's personal.
Last time you saw fireworks?
The last time I sneezed.
Last time you had a Krispy Kreme doughnut?
See earlier post. That was a magical night that ended in a sugar induced coma.
Who is the last person that left you a message on your cell?
I just checked it. It was Sam. She's going to the spa. have such a life of leisure....
Last time you parked under a carport?
The last time I was in the trailer park. I honestly don't know of a trailer park that I could go to, but seriously...that was the last time I parked under a carport...
Do you have a black dog?
No. Do you have a white cat?
Do you have any pickles in your fridge?
I think I threw them out. They expired in 2004.
Who has the prettiest eyes that you know of?
Are you fishing for a compliment???
Thursday, November 13, 2008
How is this freaking possible!??!?!
There Are 1 Gaps in Your Knowledge |
Where you have gaps in your knowledge: Art Where you don't have gaps in your knowledge: Philosophy Religion Economics Literature History Science |
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Now Ain't THAT The Truth...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Oh, Bunny.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Callin' Baton Rouge.

After paying our bill at Champions, we headed down to Blackfinn at the Epicenter. After looking at the pictures from Thomas

You're going to get so tired of my thankfulness...

Saturday, November 8, 2008
I. Am. Blessed.

Logan and Sadie- There are truly no words that can accurately describe how much I love these two.

Friday, November 7, 2008
An Ode To Kristen Lervik...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I guess I'm not "gettable"...
This is what I have to say about that...
In no way was I serious about anything political. I am an equal opportunity offender. Do I really think that Gary should be president? Of course I do. Am I really amazed at the Fisicaros love? Sure! Other than's all pretty much stuff to stir up trouble amongst all of my friends and family. Like I said...I love drama*. I live for it.
Don't disown me just because I say stuff you don't agree with.'re a peach, dear blog-reader.
*I hate drama...please make all of it go away.
PS. I love that the two states that are my home (North Carolina and Missouri) are still undecided on who should president. Love. It.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I vote for Gary for President.
Monday, November 3, 2008
And this is what making lemonade out of lemons looks like...

Please ignore the big black space to the right...I can't figure out why that's there and I can't get rid of it. Remember...I'm new at this (which is actually a very good excuse for many things in get away with a lot when you just smile coyly and say "Sorry...I'm new at this..."). Anywho...check out the roasted corn behind the glass of champagne. I have never tasted anything so yummy in my life. I guess that's a bit of a stretch, but I can say that I've never tasted anything so yummy in my life in Boston. Okay...that's a stretch too. Dan makes some pretty yummy stuff when I'm up in Beantown. Point: It was roasted corn on the cob with about a pound of garlicky, buttery, cheesy mess on top of it. In the top 10 things that make Emily happy, she has listed this particular corn at #4. I personally think it should be bumped up to #3, but she said something about loving her dog or something. Hmmm...
Moral of the story: If you ever are wondering what tapas place to go to in Boston, go to Toro. It's pretty much in my top 5 restaurants now.
After dinner, we went back to our old stomping grounds (it's funny that I have "old stomping grounds" now in Boston). This time, Hong Kong Bar (the place with the Scorpion Bowl!) was hoppin'. Emily, Dan and I met their admin Stacy and her friend Dan there for some Scorpion fun and karaoke. Mind you, the only person that did karaoke was a very drunk Stacy. She told the karaoke masters that her name was Kim (since Kim didn't come when she was called and Stacy said, "I'm KIM!") and rocked out to Bon Jovi. (In the picture, Stacy is the girl who isn't Emily and isn't me...)

Poor Dan (Stacy's Dan...not Emily's Dan) didn't make it in the pictures since, well, he was taking the pictures. You can pretty much see how Stacy got so toasted...she was drinking 3 times the amount of alcohol (hence the three straws).
Unfortunately, we had to leave Stacy and Dan a bit early...which really wasn't early at all...but it was before Stacy wanted to leave. They assured me that they would get me home safe so I could stay out with them while Emily and Dan went home, but I thought that was probably against my best interest since 1. They had been drinking since 3:30 and 2. Well...there isn't really a two. I just don't trust completely inebriated people so much.
I woke up on Sunday with a bit of a headache (how did that happen???) and we made our way to Brownstone. Another yummy restaurant that featured a delicious breakfast. After breakfast, Emily walked to work while Dan and I walked back to their place so I could get my computer and then I made my way over to the Pru. If you read my blog from a couple days ago, you know how that went down. I'm thoroughly impressed with Emily's ability to completely change her mask from Sarah's BFF who is uber sweet to do I put this nicely? Medusa. She becomes Medusa when she is crossed.
My favorite part of her office was up on her dry erase board. One of her co-workers comes in to assess her mood every morning. I found it so funny that I took a picture. Rumor has it, it's been on "sad face" for awhile...
Doesn't it just make you laugh? Just a little? Okay...I guess it's just me.
After work, we walked around the mall (which just happens to be on the bottom floor of her work) for awhile, then headed home for dinner. Dan made some primo salad (I will never know how he makes his dressing...) and some super yummy enchiladas. I finished off dinner with a walk to the Amsterdam Cafe with Kate (Em's dog) to pick up frozen yogurt for us. Oh! And I almost forgot! Dan taught me how to make delicious potatoes last night. Yes. For dinner I had salad, enchiladas, frozen yogurt, potatoes, and red wine. What a combo.
After gettin' all fat and happy, I passed out until my alarm went off this morning at 3am. Good stuff. Nothing like a cab coming to get you at 4am for a 5am flight so you can make it to work by 8am.
Speaking of the flight...does anyone else find it odd that in the 3 times I've been to Boston this year, I've been sat next to a priest twice? Does that mean anything?? I guess I should have asked them, huh?
It's a's a's my nephew and niece!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
It will now be referred to as 26 minutes in New Jersey...
We made it to Julie's at about 7:30 and proceeded to get ready for the 8pm party. I put the fountain together and prayed for what seemed like 10 minutes (it was probably more around 1 minute) that it would work. It usually takes a few seconds to get the drink sucked up to the top of the fountain. started working and I was pleased.

I also spent a few minutes in the bathroom with Chris (he really likes bathrooms), trying to get his makeup on. I'm not even going to try to explain how gross he looked, because a picture is worth a thousand words in this case....

I can't even look at the pictures I have of Chris without getting ill, but I had to put this one on here because Julie looks adorable. Something tells me that my sister-in-law will not be referring to C as "that handsome, unmarried man" when she sees these pictures.

Julie was so excited when she put on Scott's pizza...she said (or slurred), "Sarah! Act like your eating me! Let's take a picture!" And who am I to deny happiness to a drunk girl? I'm not in the business of killing dreams....