Halloween started off like any other day, but really, what would you expect? I went into work (a dozen mini cupcakes in hand) and had a pretty good day. Around 2:30, I got an email from Emily and I very suddenly felt the need that I should be up in Boston, because hey...I missed my girl. So, the very end of my work day was spent finding a cheap ticket up to Beantown. So, my dear friends (okay...again...mom), I am streaming live right now for the 39th floor of the Prudential Center in Boston where Emily is attempting to amaze all of her employees with her ability to "get the numbers". I'm not sure what that means per se, but I tell ya...I'm amazed. In about 5 minutes, she'll be on a conference call and I'm really excited to see what ball-busting maneuver she'll come up with next. But alas...back to Halloween.
After work, I made my way home where I quickly realized that I had a lot to do in a short period of time, especially now that I was leaving for the weekend very early the next morning. So I showered and got ready for the party. Looking back, I think that maybe I should have packed before I dressed like a pirate vixen. Which, by the way, confuses me a little. When I think about how pirates lived and whatnot, I never picture a chick in a short skirt with her boobies hanging out. But whatever...I guess it has to do with "selling costumes to wanna-be hobags" or something.
(Just to keep you up to date on Em's conference call...she scares me...the men on the conference call have voices that keep cracking and the women sound as if they are crying. I think they are afraid that she may murder them in their sleep. I have signed into my IM so that we can talk back and forth about the people without them hearing us. Brilliant...simply brilliant...)
So I was able to get ready and pack my car by 6 o'clock and met Chris at his house (btw...thanks, Thomas, for tying the bow things around my arm....your ability to tie a knot amazes me) and we left to go down to Julie's.
I can't tell you how pleased I was that Chris was just as hungry as I was...in all of my Halloween excitement, I had forgotten to eat lunch. That really ticks me off, because I've been so good about eating every 2-3 hours to keep my metabolism up. But...that's another story for another day (don't worry...I will probably never tell you about that story).
Anyways, I was so in love with the idea of going to Wendy's and let me tell you...it was deeee-licious. I was also pleased that Chris is such a Wendy's connoisseur. I wanted a cheeseburger and he put that into Wendy's language. I guess "cheeseburger" is really a "double stack with everything on it". Who knew??? Chris did. That's who.
We made it to Julie's at about 7:30 and proceeded to get ready for the 8pm party. I put the fountain together and prayed for what seemed like 10 minutes (it was probably more around 1 minute) that it would work. It usually takes a few seconds to get the drink sucked up to the top of the fountain. Anywho...it started working and I was pleased.
We made it to Julie's at about 7:30 and proceeded to get ready for the 8pm party. I put the fountain together and prayed for what seemed like 10 minutes (it was probably more around 1 minute) that it would work. It usually takes a few seconds to get the drink sucked up to the top of the fountain. Anywho...it started working and I was pleased.

I also spent a few minutes in the bathroom with Chris (he really likes bathrooms), trying to get his makeup on. I'm not even going to try to explain how gross he looked, because a picture is worth a thousand words in this case....
(Another Emily conference call update: Ernst & Young and American Appraisal need to make a decision about something that is huge in the world of Orthofix, but a couple of the idiots on the call are saying, "I really need to be done with this phone call by 2pm". Emily just told me, "You're about to see angry Emily". I just peed myself a little. I'm quite scared.)
The rest of the evening is somewhat of a blur, but I'll do my best to hit a few highlights:

Here's Beth showing off the tray that was once 50 jello shots. I am only responsible for finishing off about 25 of those. The other 25 shots were done by other people. See?! I'm not a lush! I left some!

Oh, Sheesh...you so crazy. I'm glad that I didn't miss Sheila explaining 15 different times (and sometimes to the same drunk people) that she is not Madonna, she's a Madonna fan. I got it...I don't know why no one else could remember that...

There were many times throughout the evening that Julie would try on parts of everyone's costumes. In this picture, she is featuring Brian's Elvis glasses and Scott's pimp-tastic hat. It's really quite amazing how she got around (and by "got around", I'm strictly speaking that she got around when it came to stealing part of everyone's costumes. Nothing dirty.)

Speaking of Scott's pimp hat...here's a picture of the man himself. I can guarantee that he was the only person on earth that went as Don Juan Papa John. I appreciate a man that isn't afraid to dress as his favorite food and also show off his gangsta bling.

Oh, Brian. How I love
you so much. One of the many reasons I love you so much is because you love your wife (who just happens to be one of my best-ests) so very, very much. Sam wasn't able to make the party due the fact that she is in Baton Rouge for 2 and a half
weeks and she was dearly missed. Though, the thing that was so great about Brian was that he was not going to let anyone forget the fact that he misses and loves his wife. I find that kind of love pretty darn heart-warming. Especially when it's coming from a man that's had a few glasses of wine, so you know his true feelings are really being shared...

This is Lindsay. I realize that in this picture, she looks like a bit of a hooker. I have two things to say about that. 1. The flash of the camera made her look "fleshier" than she did in real life. 2. She went as a hooker, so she was kinda going for that.

This is one of my very favorite pictures from the evening. I'm not sure what Brian is doing and Thomas is doing is best Michael Phelps impression. I find it hilarious.

Another picture that I love. I'm not sure why I took this picture...but Julie is pretty gangsta.

Here's my sad pumpkin. It looked a lot better than this when I carved it. Just imagine it being plump and lovely.
(Yet another Emily update: There are being phrases thrown around like "Angels on the head of a pin" and "He doesn't want to know how the sausage is made, he just wants to eat it." Mind you, Emily isn't using these phrases, but I feel bad that she has to hear things like that on a daily basis. No wonder she was having a rough week...)

I don't know what Thomas was doing here. He was making a joke about something funny and I thought that I'd take a picture. I think he was writing a list of some kind. Now that I'm typing this out, I'm not even sure why I put this picture in here. It's kind of random and not so funny if I don't have the story that goes along with it. I'm just lazy enough to leave it in, though. No turning back now...

Mike, oh, Mike. I really don't think he meant to look like one of those transgender men/women from the Discovery Health channel, but that's all I could think of when he walked in the door. Being a political type fellow, Mike dressed as Sarah Palin. I wish he had asked a woman to help him with his makeup, but I definitely give him props for having the balls to "drag it out". (Ha! I made a funny!)
To entertain ourselves, Sheila and I decided to have a photo shoot of emotions. We decided that our "sad" face is not photo worthy, so those were deleted. But we did keep "inquisitive" and "taken aback". Enjoy our vast array of emotions!

I can't even look at the pictures I have of Chris without getting ill, but I had to put this one on here because Julie looks adorable. Something tells me that my sister-in-law will not be referring to C as "that handsome, unmarried man" when she sees these pictures.

Julie was so excited when she put on Scott's pizza...she said (or slurred), "Sarah! Act like your eating me! Let's take a picture!" And who am I to deny happiness to a drunk girl? I'm not in the business of killing dreams....

It's dead Scott Speedman!
No...seriously. It scares me that I thought it would be a good idea to take of picture of C while he was driving. I especially enjoyed the lips that look a little too pink for a straight man and the fact that he looks as if he's got two shiners. Good stuff.
All in all...I had a fantastic time. Thanks, Julie!
Oh. And there are more pictures...I was just tired of uploading them on this blog. They'll be on my Myspace page shortly...
(And a final Emily update: She's given up all hope and is now searching for a North Face jacket online. I'm just praying for her sanity.)
...and I'm adding an Editor's note to this thing...
I have tried for an hour to make the pictures and words match up right on this stupid blog. Don't judge me for the bad layout. I'm not happy about it...
I don't remember wearing Scott's pizza outfit...at all. I do remember all the hat action. I love how you can see the progression of my drunkness.
Ummm...can I get a myspace upload of these pics. It won't let me click on them to make them bigger or to copy. Geez Sarah....
PS. Love our emotion pics.
I'm the third comment. See, Sarah? I am totally NOT the only one that reads your blog. There are apparently at least 2 other lovers of fine literature out there.
By the way...who was Chris trying to be? And where did he get the fanny pack? Is it his? Did he borrow it from someone in your group of friends? I'm just trying to narrow down who the nerd is. (That was a rude comment, but I'm old and have lost my filter, so you are obligated to overlook it.)
Oh Mom, aka whatnot, aren't you just a barrel of laughs... :) Sounds like "someone" needs to get out of the DJ booth and to the nearest theater more often. I was dressed as the Joker from the latest Batman movie, "Dark Knight". The fanny pack was purchased specifically and awesomely by me to hold my airplane-sized bottles of liquor that I was consuming that evening. So...thanks for the good ribbing...maybe there is still hope for Saucy's sense of humor. :)
Your champagne fountain really gets around....
Dear anonymous C....
Yes, as a matter of fact, I AM a barrel of laughs. I amuse myself frequently.
So you're telling me that this Joker fellow in the superhero motion picture to which you refer, was a fanny-pack wearing nerd villain? That does sound frightening. Save that fanny-pack...next year you can be a nerdy Captain Jack Sparrow or a nerdy Indiana Jones or a nerdy Freddie Krueger or...well, the options are endless.
I think I will go w/ the nerdy Scott Speedman option next year...that is, assuming I have leftover lil' bottles o' vodka from a LSU at SC football game (which I know won't happen b/c they'll play at LSU next year) or an airplane flight prior to Halloween. If I get stumped though I will see your previous post or contact you for addt'l nerdy costume ideas...that DOES seem to be your forte. :)
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