That night, she got on her knees and prayed for God to fill her life with the little things that make life so great. You know, like an elderly couple hawkin' snot...
That story made me realize...I am not nearly as thankful as I should be for the little things in life...
So...for every dumb story that has made me laugh...for every random email I get from my friends that makes me smile...for every song that makes me say "I LOVE this song" (it happens too often, I know)...for every time I catch Father of the Bride (Part 1 OR 2) on TV...for every time there isn't a line at Target...for every time there isn't traffic...for every sweet "just because" letter I get in the mail...for every dinner invitation when I've felt like I was so alone...for every awkward moment that is only funny 3 days later...for every time I don't burn the darn eggs...for every time I'm sitting between two of my very best friends on the couch...for every time I find a random Red Bull in the fridge at work when I just need some extra energy...for every time I go an entire day without any work drama...for every time Daniel has given spontaneous, not-asked-for kisses...for every time I've laughed so hard that I've peed a little...for every time I have not had to go to the store because I've actually had all of the ingredients in my possession...for every single little thing that I overlook only to focus on the bad....I AM THANKFUL.

Me too, sweetie. of the recent little things I'm thankful for happened last night. I finally heard a tiny belly-giggle from Sadie....and saw a dimple up by her eye, just like her Aunt Sarah. Yes, Logan was right...she's "adorafull"
Happy Thanksgiving, precious daughter. I will think of you all day, especially when I have that inevitable second helping of potatoes.
(BTW, "Loogie" is the correct me on this...after all, as you know, I am in the medical profession.)
Happy Thanksgiving, Sarah!! See you soon!!!
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