Let's see...a Wednesday to Friday recap...
After being yelled at by a patient, which ended up being the LAST STRAW in regards to my sanity, I lost my mind for a short bit. Nothing like the embarrassment of having a pseudo-panic attack (or was it quasi-panic attack???) to make you thankful for the times when you are sane. I emailed Chris to tell him that I was dying (someone had to let everyone know what finally took me down, right?) and he responded with, "What on earth is wrong with you??"
What on earth is wrong with me? What on earth is wrong with me?!?!?! I'm DYING, my friend! Like DIE-ING...DEAD...FINITO...
Needless to say, three hours later I realized that maybe the outburst didn't solve anything. Yes, I still felt like I had a ton of bricks sitting on my chest, but at least the tears had stopped and I was laughing about it with Jackie. Ahhhhhhhhhh....good times.
After work, I had sushi with Thomas at eeZ in Birkdale. Nothing like raw fish to perk a gal up! We ended up going to Corkscrew post-dinner to chat it up for awhile and he took me home around 10. All in all, it was great way to end a pretty bad day.
Just know that I'm adding Thursday in this "List o' Sarah's Week" because Thursday is what happens between Wednesday and Friday. The day felt like it lasted forever and just as I was getting ready to walk out the door at 5pm, a patient had an allergic reaction and I was there quite a bit longer. Bummer. Well, mainly a bummer for the poor girl who had her eyes swelling shut, but a bummer for me as well. Because who really wants to add a couple hours to the end of their day at the last minute? Not me.
YAY! Friday! With the Fisicaros unable to come over to have the regular Friday Night Dinner, we (C, J, the Steeles, and I) decided to go to Nakato for some Japanese deliciousness. Yes, I did just have sushi on Wednesday, but you know what? I don't care. I have a pancake on a stick every morning for breakfast...what do I care if I have sushi twice in one week?
After dinner we went back to Chris', where the crew proceeded to....wait for it...it's really good....wait for it...teach me POKER (it's funny that I'm picturing my mom gasping right now). Okay...true I was the second person out, but we weren't playing for real money, so it doesn't really matter. I also learned a major life lesson...C's personality completely changes when poker is being played. Oh, well...I guess everyone has their "thing"...
SCOTT STEELE WON. (He told me to add that in and spell his name right...which I find funny, because I don't believe I've ever spelled his name wrong...hmmm...)
As for the rest of this weekend, I've got Kelly's hockey party tonight and the regular Sunday morning breakfast with C & J. I'm sure if something halfway interesting (or not interesting at all) happens, I'll keep you updated. No worries.
Hmmmm.... It wasn't strip poker, was it?
Actually, I did gasp. You don't like to play cards. You don't like to learn the rules. You don't care if you win or lose. You did not inherit the competitive card-playing, rule-learning gene from your parents.....unless that was just a big ruse when you were living at home, so you wouldn't have to hang out with your weirdo family. Okay, now I'm just hurt. You are SO playing cards with me when you come home for Christmas.
".....the third day seemed like a week again and the fourth day seemed like eight days....."
I hear Steve Martin saying that in my head. Is that from "The Jerk"? Or am I just totally schizophrenic and the voice in my head is not Steve Martin. That would be sad, because I love me some Steve Martin and I would be happy to let him reside in my head any ol' time.
Oh, yes, yes, yes...I meant to say that..."Only Sam and my mom will know what this is from..."
Okay. You get a cookie. Good job, mom!
I was told that I'm supposed to print a retraction for the "Chris' personality completely changes when he plays poker" comment.
So here it is...
Chris' personality does NOT change when he plays poker. The man is generally stone-faced every day of his life...you know so he doesn't "tell"....
(I don't even know if I used the word "tell" correctly, but you get where I was going with that, right??)
We should play poker again while our food is cooking at Chris's!
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