Friday, August 21, 2009

It's neat that I don't eat baked beans.

Last night I decided to meet Beth, Thomas, Mike, Jen, and Todd for dinner at Tavern on the Tracks before they went to the Sister Hazel show. Since I'm a responsible employee (and had to be up really early this morning), I was sure that I wouldn't be going to the show with them.

Well, after a few glasses of wine and some fun friends convinced me that it would be smarter for me to hang out with them at the concert for a few hours. Special thanks to Thomas for taking care of my cover since the venue was not a fan of my debit card. I owe you one...

All in all, it was a great night and I was able to get home at a reasonable hour.
Highlight of the night: Beth beckoning the lead singer of Sister Hazel (who just happened to be at Tavern on the Tracks) to come over to our table and take a picture. What a showing of testicular fortitude that was! get that pic, B...

And just so you know...
The lead singer's name is Ken Block. "Ken" as in "Ken and Barbie" and "Block" as in....ummm.... "building blocks" (*make sure you mime "building blocks" here*).
Thanks for the explanation, Beth.

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